Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de stalk

to stalkacechar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I stalkyo acecho
you stalktú acechas
he stalksél acecha
she stalksella acecha
we stalknosotros acechamos
you stalkvosotros acecháis
they stalkellos acechan
they stalkellas acechan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I stalkedyo aceché
you stalkedtú acechaste
he stalkedél acechó
she stalkedella acechó
we stalkednosotros acechamos
you stalkedvosotros acechasteis
they stalkedellos acecharon
they stalkedellas acecharon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have stalkedyo he acechado
you have stalkedtú has acechado
he has stalkedél ha acechado
she has stalkedella ha acechado
we have stalkednosotros hemos acechado
you have stalkedvosotros habéis acechado
they have stalkedellos han acechado
they have stalkedellas han acechado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had stalkedyo había acechado
you had stalkedtú habías acechado
he had stalkedél había acechado
she had stalkedella había acechado
we had stalkednosotros habíamos acechado
you had stalkedvosotros habíais acechado
they had stalkedellos habían acechado
they had stalkedellas habían acechado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will stalkyo acecharé
you will stalktú acecharás
he will stalkél acechará
she will stalkella acechará
we will stalknosotros acecharemos
you will stalkvosotros acecharéis
they will stalkellos acecharán
they will stalkellas acecharán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have stalkedyo habré acechado
you will have stalkedtú habrás acechado
he will have stalkedél habrá acechado
she will have stalkedella habrá acechado
we will have stalkednosotros habremos acechado
you will have stalkedvosotros habréis acechado
they will have stalkedellos habrán acechado
they will have stalkedellas habrán acechado

I would stalkyo acecharía
you would stalktú acecharías
he would stalkél acecharía
she would stalkella acecharía
we would stalknosotros acecharíamos
you would stalkvosotros acecharíais
they would stalkellos acecharían
they would stalkellas acecharían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have stalkedyo habría acechado
you would have stalkedtú habrías acechado
he would have stalkedél habría acechado
she would have stalkedella habría acechado
we would have stalkednosotros habríamos acechado
you would have stalkedvosotros habríais acechado
they would have stalkedellos habrían acechado
they would have stalkedellas habrían acechado

Participio presenteAnotado
stalking acechando

Participio pasadoAnotado
stalked acechado

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